Working group archive videos

IA pour la Robotique
Julien Moras 2022-05-16

Learning from bees: UAV guidance and odometry based on optic flow
Franck Ruffier 2022-05-09

Reinforcement Learning in practice with Stable-Baselines3
Antonin Raffin 2022-05-02

Formal Methods for Verification and Control of Robotic Software Architectures
Charles Lesire-Cabaniols 2022-04-04

Prediction of Pedestrians and Drivers’ Behaviours and Trajectories in the context of Autonomous Driving
Miguel Ángel Sotelo Vázquez 2022-03-28

Activités du projet INRIA Hephaistos en assistance, robots parallèles à câbles et analyse par intervalles
Jean-Pierre Merlet 2022-03-14

Robotique et prévention des risques professionnels - adapter le travail à l'homme
Jonathan Savin 2022-03-07

Towards ergonomically enhanced robotic co-workers
Pauline Maurice 2022-02-28

Factor Graph optimization for legged robots state estimation
Médéric Fourmy 2022-02-14

DeepQuintic: Combining quintic splines and reinforcement learning to achieve bipedal walking
Marc Bestmann 2022-02-07